TRANSFORMATION, Public Speaking, & Content Coach

Jeffrey Scott Miller is a public speaking coach and a master of crafting and delivering impactful messages. He has his MFA in Creative Writing and his BA in Mass Communications. He has taught public speaking, writing, and effective communication for over a decade and brings his unique blend as a theatre director, professional teacher, and keynote speaker to help others craft their message, facilitate inspiring keynotes and workshops, and create an impact with their audience.
Jeffrey started his career as an educator. He taught for 15 years in public, private, and charter school systems. His love of learning and teaching has been the center of his personal and professional growth. After leaving his classroom, Jeffrey has served as the Director of Education and Director of Curriculum and Training for both for profit and non-profit organizations. He has built training and development programs that focus on creating a positive culture, effective feedback, accountability, and empowering every member of the team.
Jeffrey has trained, facilitated, and keynoted across the United States and internationally. He has worked with teachers, administrators, corporations, CEOs, Board of Directors, and entrepreneurs to reflect on their craft, clarify their vision, communicate and build effective teams, deepen their impact, and collaborate more impactfully.
Jeffrey has developed a coaching process that challenges presenters to think about their outcomes, understand the neuroscience of learning, and use strategies that engage and meet their audience’s needs. He has coached facilitators, keynote speakers, teachers, workshop leaders, podcast hosts, actors, writers, and corporate leaders to magnify their voice, craft impactful messages, and deliver them in original and engaging ways. Jeffrey’s approach stresses knowing your outcomes and understanding how an audience best takes in new information. By focusing on the moment before, during, and after learning he helps teachers, leaders, and speakers of every caliber and experience level to become more clear, intentional, and impactful in front of their students, teams, and audience.
Jeffrey volunteers his time working with youth to help them to discover and empower their artistic voices. He has created theatre camps, writing workshops, and a student film festival for teens. He looks for unique opportunities to grow and stretch his own voice including studying with a Native American storyteller, doing improv, meditating in silence for 10 days straight, and teaching accelerated learning camps in Asia. He lives in Los Angeles, California with his wife Ambar where they write, perform, play, and chase their dreams together.